Admission & Discharge Policy

Chabad of Midtown does not wait list children. If you are interested in our program, please contact us to schedule a tour. Once you have toured our facility and decide that this is the place for your little one, you will proceed to fill out the application and enrollment component of this Parent Handbook cumulative package. We will then offer you a spot which becomes available closest to your requested start date as possible. Upon a confirmed space,  there is a requirement for a non-refundable deposit equivalent to the first two (2) months’ tuition of your child’s program.

During the month of March, enrolled parents are asked to re-register for the following school year with one (1) months’ non-refundable deposit to reserve their space for the upcoming school year. This priority registration allows for existing parents to be guaranteed a spot for future, then siblings, and finally allow newcomers to join the daycare.  

A minimum of two (2) months written notice (full month notice beginning on 1st of the month) is required for withdrawal of a child and no additional payments will be charged.

If any time less than two (2) complete month is provided the parents will be charged for an additional two (2) months (full month notice beginning on 1st of the month). There is no refund for deposit which does not get used.

Question: What if I cancel my 2 months of cheques and withdrawal immediately or less than 2 months’ notice (from 1st of the month)?

Answer: A third-party collection agency will receive a copy of your signed application & act accordingly.

Please note the withdrawal policy for pre-nursery, nursery and JK programs.  Children enrolled in the infant, toddler and pre-nursery programs are automatically enrolled for the summer program at their continued monthly fee, unless 60 days’ notice for withdrawal is given.  If pulling out for the summer, there will be no re-enrollment option for September. Children in the “Morning Out” program will be offered a summer camp schedule.

If the staff feels that they cannot manage a child, due to inappropriate behavior by a child or policies not being carried out by parents, parent/staff meetings will be held. Suggestions will be made and implemented and if no improvement occurs or the child is disturbing the development of other children, other measures will be taken. After a discussion with the parents 2 weeks’ notice will be given for the child to be withdrawn.

When a child starts a new program, we expect 2-4 weeks of transition time, where extra support staff is brough in, should the need arise. After 4 weeks, if the child continues to need one on one attention, or is constantly crying/disturbing the other children, the family will be asked to withdraw with no further fees and attempt re-enrollment, provided space available at a later stage. (Re-admission fee will not be necessary)

For additional care, not included in your selected program, a $115 day fee will be applied.